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Teachers meet minister over poor pay

The teachers' union in Zimbabwe, representing primary and secondary school educators, met with Primary and Secondary Education minister Torerai Moyo on Monday to discuss their grievances. One of the main issues raised by the union was the low salary paid to teachers, which they demanded be increased to US$1 200 per month. The current average monthly salary for a teacher in Zimbabwe is around US$500, which is significantly lower than the amount requested by the union.

The meeting between the union and the minister was held at the Ministry of Education headquarters in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe. During the meeting, the union presented their case for a salary increase, citing the high cost of living in the country and the need to attract and retain quality teachers. The union also raised concerns about the lack of resources available to schools, including textbooks, stationery, and other educational materials.

The minister listened attentively to the union's grievances and promised to look into the matter. He acknowledged the importance of attracting and retaining quality teachers, and expressed his commitment to finding a solution that would meet the needs of both the teachers and the government. The minister also thanked the union for bringing the issue to his attention and encouraged them to continue working with the government to improve the education system in Zimbabwe.

It is worth noting that the salary increase demanded by the union is significantly higher than the current average salary paid to teachers in Zimbabwe, which may make it difficult for the government to meet this demand. However, the union's grievances are valid and highlight the need for the government to address the challenges faced by educators in the country.

Published 319 days ago

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