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BobTheSmuggler: Open-source tool for undetectable payload delivery

BobTheSmuggler is an open-source tool that allows users to easily compress, encrypt, and securely transport their payloads. It is designed to hide a payload in plain sight, making it useful for various purposes such as phishing campaign assessments, data exfiltration exercises, and assumed breach scenarios.

One of the key features of BobTheSmuggler is its ability to hide the payload inside images and call it separately from a JavaScript code. This helps bypass network firewalls and monitoring tools including DLPs (Data Loss Prevention) that may be used to detect and block malicious traffic.

BobTheSmuggler uses dynamic XOR encryption to hide the payloads, which further enhances its security features. XOR encryption is a type of substitution cipher that replaces each byte in the plaintext with the XOR of the corresponding bytes in the key. This makes it difficult for attackers to decrypt the payload without the correct key.

Overall, BobTheSmuggler is a powerful tool for anyone looking to deliver undetectable payloads. Its ability to hide payloads inside images and use dynamic XOR encryption makes it an effective way to bypass network firewalls and monitoring tools, making it a valuable asset in various security scenarios.

Published 318 days ago

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