Traitors is a reality TV show where contestants are divided into two teams and must work together to complete tasks while trying to identify which team member is secretly working against them. In the second series of the show, Jasmine has been accused of being a traitor by her fellow contestant, Claudia Winkleman.
Jasmine has been on the receiving end of criticism from Claudia in previous episodes, with Claudia accusing Jasmine of not pulling her weight and being too lazy. This has led to tension between the two women, and it seems that things have come to a head in this latest episode.
It is unclear what specific incident triggered Jasmine's swipe at Claudia, but it is likely that the accusations of laziness and lack of contribution have played a role. It is also possible that Jasmine feels that Claudia has been too critical of her and is using this opportunity to strike back.
It is worth noting that Traitors has been praised for its unique format and challenging tasks, which have kept viewers engaged and on the edge of their seats. The show has also been praised for its diverse cast of contestants, who come from different backgrounds and have different skills and personalities.
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