The Limay Fish Sanctuary, located in Barangay Wawa, Limay, Bataan, Philippines, is set to undergo a significant rehabilitation project with the support of Petron Corporation, a leading oil company in the country. This collaboration between the local government of Limay, the Municipal Fisheries Aquatic Resources Management Council (MFARMC), and Petron Corporation was formalized through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed on April 11, 2024.
The Limay Fish Sanctuary is an essential ecosystem that plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of marine life in the area. It serves as a breeding and spawning ground for various fish species, contributing significantly to the livelihoods of local fisherfolk and the overall economy of Limay.
The rehabilitation project aims to address the degradation and decline of the fish sanctuary caused by various factors such as pollution, overfishing, and climate change. With Petron Corporation's involvement, the project will receive much-needed financial and technical support.
Petron Corporation's commitment to this initiative aligns with its corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts to promote sustainable development and protect the environment. Through this partnership, the company will provide resources and expertise to help restore and enhance the fish sanctuary's ecosystem.
The specific details of the project, such as its scope, timeline, and budget, have not been disclosed in the available information. However, it is mentioned that the MOA signing marks the beginning of the collaboration between the parties and sets the stage for a successful rehabilitation project that will benefit the community and contribute to the long-term health and productivity of the Limay Fish Sanctuary.
The MFARMC will oversee the implementation of the project, ensuring that it adheres to best practices and guidelines for sustainable fisheries management and environmental conservation. The local government of Limay will provide necessary permits and support for the project's implementation, while Petron Corporation will contribute financially and technically to make the project a success.
The rehabilitation project is expected to have a positive impact on the local fishing industry and the community as a whole by improving the fish population and enhancing the overall health and productivity of the Limay Fish Sanctuary. It also serves as an example of successful public-private partnerships that prioritize environmental sustainability and community development.
Published 276 days ago
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