Whitehaven Coal Limited is an Australian coal mining company that operates the Tarrawonga coal mine located in the Leeton Shire, New South Wales. The company regularly publishes daily monitoring reports for the Tarrawonga site, which include various data points related to the mine's operations and environmental performance.
One of the key data points reported in the Tarrawonga Daily Monitoring Report for April 11, 2024, is the average air quality reading for the 24-hour period from midnight to 11:59 pm on that day. The reported value was 16.8 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) for PM10, which stands for particulate matter with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less.
PM10 is a common air quality metric used to measure the concentration of particulate matter in the air. The National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM) for Air sets the annual average limit for PM10 at 50 µg/m3, and the daily average limit at 55 µg/m3. The reported value of 16.8 µg/m3 for the Tarrawonga site on April 11, 2024, is below both the daily and annual average limits.
The daily monitoring reports are used by Whitehaven Coal as operational management tools to ensure that the company is meeting its environmental obligations and regulatory requirements related to air quality. The reports are publicly available on the company's website and on financial news platforms such as MarketScreener.
It is important to note that air quality can vary significantly depending on meteorological conditions, mining operations, and other factors, and the reported value is just a snapshot of the air quality at the Tarrawonga site on a specific day. Regular monitoring and reporting help to provide transparency and accountability to stakeholders, including local communities, regulators, and investors.
Whitehaven Coal has implemented various measures to minimize the impact of its operations on air quality, including the use of dust suppression systems, water spraying, and optimizing mining operations to reduce the generation of dust. The company also engages in regular dialogue with local communities and stakeholders to address any concerns related to air quality and other environmental issues.
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