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Editorial: Shoulder state share

Lucas County is currently undergoing a construction project in its new jail facility. The project is approximately twice the size of any previous projects undertaken by the county. This means that the jail will be significantly larger than any previous facilities built in the area.

The construction project is expected to take several months and will involve the addition of new cells, offices, and other amenities. The exact scope of the project has not been disclosed, but it is clear that it will have a significant impact on the local community.

It is important to note that the construction project is being undertaken in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations. The county has taken steps to ensure that the project is completed safely and efficiently, and that it meets the needs of the local community.

Overall, the construction project represents a significant investment in the future of Lucas County and its criminal justice system. It is expected to provide much-needed space and resources for law enforcement officials and other members of the community.

Published 319 days ago

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