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Keningau couple jailed for causing hurt to their two children

On April 17, 2023, in the Keningau district of Sabah, Malaysia, a married couple appeared before the Keningau Magistrate's Court to answer charges related to causing hurt to their two children. The children, a 13-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl, were reportedly subjected to physical abuse at the hands of their parents.

According to the police report, the incident came to light when the older child disclosed the abuse to his school teacher, who then alerted the authorities. The teacher noticed signs of injury on the child during a routine health check-up at school. The authorities then conducted an investigation into the matter, which led to the arrest of the couple.

During the court proceedings, the couple pleaded guilty to the charges against them. The specific details of the abuse were not disclosed in the initial report, but it is known that the injuries sustained by the children were serious enough to warrant medical attention.

The Magistrate, after considering the facts of the case and the statements of the witnesses, handed down a sentence of one year's imprisonment each for both the father and the mother. The sentence was met with shock and disbelief from those present in the courtroom, as many felt that the punishment was too lenient given the nature of the crime.

The children have since been placed under the care of the Social Welfare Department, where they are receiving the necessary medical attention and counseling services. The case has sparked a public outcry, with many calling for stricter laws against child abuse and increased awareness of the issue in Sabah and beyond.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of reporting any suspected cases of child abuse and neglect, and of the need for stronger measures to protect the welfare of children in Sabah and throughout Malaysia. The authorities have assured the public that they will continue to take a zero-tolerance approach towards such cases and will bring perpetrators to justice.

Published 271 days ago

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